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How We Work?


We assist you with safeguarding every fundamental aspect(s) of your business by enlisting for a trademark and furthermore help you in laying out your ownership rights, either it is a logo, name, item, or image for your business. In the event that the USPTO acknowledges your trademark registry, your future legal petitions for a trademark infringement against any entity will automatically be protected.

Our experts will completely review and search many state and government brand names data sets to decide whether your trademark application is clashing at the beginning of the enlistment process. The initial analysis allows your eligibility and qualification for USPTO enlistment.

Our 1-step-sign-up process allows you to focus on your business and leave the rest on us.



Our mission drives in giving new company and business visionaries, speedy, and practical method for protecting their identity. Our experts figures out that running and keeping a fruitful business is a significant obligation. You don't have to stress over these difficulties while taking our services, our continuous battling efforts in safeguarding and getting your trademark as exceptional, affordable, trouble-free, useful, and sensible as possible. To facilitate the most common way accomplishing a trademark for your business, we have a solution of each and every essential thing you expect can protect your identity.


Our Plans & Pricing


$ 78
(Plus $350 Filing Fee Per Class*)
  • Case Review
  • Case Filing
  • Trademark Alert
  • Trademark Secured
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee


$ 298
(Plus $350 Filing Fee Per Class*)
  • Case Review
  • Case Preparation
  • Case Filing
  • Trademark Alert
  • Direct Hit Search
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  • Refusal Risk Meter


$ 398
(Plus $350 Filing Fee Per Class*)
  • Case Review
  • Case Preparation
  • Case Filing
  • Trademark Alert
  • Trademark Secured
  • Direct Hit Search
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  • Refusal Risk Meter
  • Trademark Monitoring
  • Complete Documentation
  • Digital File
  • Dedicated Case Manager


$ 698
(Plus $350 Filing Fee Per Class*)
  • Case Review
  • Case Filing
  • Trademark Alert
  • Trademark Secured
  • Direct Hit Search
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  • Refusal Risk Meter
  • Trademark Monitoring
  • Complete Documentation Digital File
  • Dedicated Case Manager
  • 100% Approval Guarantee
  • Comprehensive Trademark Search Report (Federal & State)
  • 24 Hrs. Expedited Service

*For new trademark applications, Paramount Law Office charges a flat filing fee of $350 per class on top of our package fees. Government filing fees is $350 per class. Classifications are the business categories which are assigned by the lawyers themselves. They review the applications and depending on the nature of the business, the goods/services being offered and the medium of existence like physical/online, they assign the classifications which protect the nature of the business and it's functionality as a whole. We are not the ones to judge which classification(s) should be assigned and neither do we have any authority in their assigning.

Trademark Eligibility Check

Eligibility check is an in-depth and insightful research of a brand or any associated registered brands in the past to avoid any conflicts in the databases of all states and federal levels.

Our experts thoroughly review the guidelines prior to filing your trademark (Brand Name, Logo, Copy, Tagline etc.) with the USPTO. This process determines either your brand fulfils the eligibility criteria and can save both your time and Filing Fees (Non-Refundable).

Secure Your Brand, TRADEMARK NOW!

Pre-Trademark Authorization

  • Company Name(s)
  • Slogans / Taglines
  • Logos / Imagery
  • Designs / Graphics
  • Products / Brands
  • Product Grouping

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