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How It Works

Easy Registration Process to Protect your Brand Name

Fill in the Form

Provide us with some required details allowing us to initiate the brand registration process

- File an Application

Our expert team of attorneys will complete and submit the application to the USPTO and Copyrights Office

Organize Your Application

Our in-depth and insightful research prior to final submission allows to ensure that your brand name is unique and not copied or in use by a different party.

Trademark Research Is Critical!

Point by point examination of brand name is enthusiastically suggested for any immature and especially start-ups. Prior to heading forward with any further formalities with the authorities’ registry of your image or property; our experts conduct a thorough and in-depth research to avoid any conflicts allowing surety and guarantee that your brand isn't being used by any other person in the corporate world. Considering the preciousness of your time and resources, our focus remains on your best possible assistance. Our strict protocols ensures that only after a successful research process, the non- refundable fee is charged.

Keep in Mind while Logo or Brand Name Registration

There are chances that your brand name registration application may get rejected because of a comparative name currently being used or enlisted in the USPTO data set. Despite the fact that the name isn't identical, or anywhere near comparable names might be confusing and eventually you could lose a prospect.

Our Plans & Pricing

Federal & State Search

$ 149
(Plus $350 Filing Fee Per Class*)
  • Trademark Search: The federal search provides any similar names, logos, or slogans that are registered or pending with the USPTO
  • State Search: The state search does the same for all 50 states
  • Detailed Online Report: Identifies any matches with all the information you need to strategize your next step


$ 299
(Plus $350 Filing Fee Per Class*)
  • Includes the information from the Federal and State Search, and also includes:
  • Corporate name search We run a search for all corporate and other business entity names in all 50 states.
  • Corporate Directories We search the corporate directories for listing of others who might be using your name.
  • Common law Proprietary internet searches reveal the use of your name that may be protected by common law trademarks.
  • Domain names We search the most common top level domain names to see if anyone is using your name online.

Global Search

$ 499
(Plus $350 Filing Fee Per Class*)
  • Includes the information from the State and Common Law Search, and also includes:
  • Global Search: We search for pending and registered marks in these multi-national jurisdictions
  • Domain Names: The European community
  • Domain names: World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

*For new trademark applications, Paramount Law Office charges a flat filing fee of $350 per class on top of our package fees. Government filing fees is $350 per class. Classifications are the business categories which are assigned by the lawyers themselves. They review the applications and depending on the nature of the business, the goods/services being offered and the medium of existence like physical/online, they assign the classifications which protect the nature of the business and it's functionality as a whole. We are not the ones to judge which classification(s) should be assigned and neither do we have any authority in their assigning.

Let’s Get Started

Protect your Brand through Copyrights and Trademark protection form us NOW!

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